My adorable Brownie troop did their bridging to become Girl Scouts. They are the cutest troop. We started in kindergarten as Daisys and then brownies and now girl scouts. The 7 in our troop have been together since kindergarten and we have such a good time together.
Here I took them to see the taping of Price is Right thanks to my brother-in-law, Mike, who is the executive producer. They normally don't let kids under 16 to come, but Mike made an exception for his niece, Josie. I renamed it as "take your niece to work day". The girls were so excited and extremely well mannered. They got to sit on set while they did the rehearsal. They loved standing on the side of the stage when they loaded the audience in. It was like a huge party with music and the crowd going wild. The girls were waving and dancing. Just before they started taping, we went backstage to watch from the green room. There they met Drew Carey and George, the new announcer. The girls thought they were big stuff to be sitting backstage. They are too young to be in the audience while they tape. The models were coming back to dance with them in the room. Afterwards they got to go back on stage and be with Mike and the models. It was so cute to watch them. Funny story... as we were driving home from the show we were talking about it and what fun things they wanted to do next year. I mentioned that maybe we should go camping. Here I think I am being so big and brave to camp with all of them and especially Josie. I mention this and at first they all thought that sounded really great. Then one of them says, "hey Jenny, do you think we could take and RV?" Seriously??!! I have to admit I do like their thinking. Now can you see me rolling down the highway with a huge RV and 7 nine year olds in back to go camping? A few seconds later one of them said, "maybe we should just go to your desert house instead." You have got to love my troop. They are smart enough to know that the best idea is comfort. Love them!
A little update on the walking front...We got to Liz's for therapy a couple of weeks ago and as we were coming into the room Liz was setting up the table for Josie. There in from of us was one of her old Polish walkers that she first used before canes. I set her down and put her hands on the walker so she could stand there until Liz was ready. All of a sudden she went darting across the room all by herself. So so the next 45 minutes she walked all over the clinic by herself. It was so amazing to see the joy and realization of complete independence come over her. So we became indian givers and took the walker right back. She now asks to walk. In fact today she walked in and out of the country club for lunch. She walked in Sport Chalet the other day and obviously is using it all over the house. She is still using the canes because we absolutely have to keep those up too. Fun to watch her enjoying walking.
Friday was Have lunch with your Kid Day at school. Luke got to come with me, which he loved. We had a picnic with a few of Josie's friends and her most wonderful aide Mrs. G. Mrs. G is beyond fabulous with Josie. They love to be together and I have peace of mind knowing she is safe with Mrs. G. All the kids love Mrs. G as well.
We have been to the desert a for couple weekends now. The weather has been great and so much fun to swim. Josie is in heaven out there. She even got to have a play date with her friends Sofia who has a house down the street from us.
We have been busy, but happy and Josie has been really healthy, thanks be to God. We do need some prayers though for 2 of my uncles. My dad's baby brother Greg was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with Multiple Myloma. My mom's brother Steve was diagnosed on Friday with Melanoma that has metastasised. Please keep both of them and all our families in your prayers. We know that prayers work. We have witnessed miracles. We are asking for 2 more.
Thanks for checking in with us. We are gratefully always for every one's support. It makes this journey such a special one. Cheers, Jenny and Josie
PS. Too tired to proof read this, so my apologies now for misused and/or misspelled words!! Night.