J.J. and Josie
Going to bed after a long, but positive day. I just had to post that cute picture of J.J. and Josie from school today. It just shows the sweetness of her friends. Funny story about this moment too. J.J. likes to walk with Josie from recess back to the classroom. We go in the back door to put her bike away. Today J.J. said maybe he was going to go line up at the front door but then decided to wait with Josie. As we were going inside, we learned that one of the other kids had thrown up in line. Josie looks at J.J. and says, "Betcha glad you came with me today, huh?" Yes he was. Poor Mrs. Watts had a clean up to do in the hallway. Thank goodness it was outside. Never dull in 2nd grade.
No therapy today, just first communion class. Josie has first reconciliation on Saturday. Please keep her in your prayers. Night, Jenny and Josie
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