Can you see the adorable 10 year old boy in the bottom right? There is Josie's secret motivation to get her to walk and faster!!
I can't begin to tell you how incredibly pleased I am with Josie's concentration and work ethic this session. Przemek and I are so shocked by her determination. She has the fire burning inside her now to do this. Even Przemek was saying today he can't believe all of this in her. He is having her do new exercises and she is giving him her all. You have to remember this is for 3 straight hours with very few breaks. I can guarantee you that 98% of us couldn't withstand what is being asked of this 8 year old no matter what the age.
Now that Przemek has begun the independent balancing and standing on her own by having her bring herself off the wall to standing, I will post her record each day. To catch you up:
Monday it was 3 seconds. She did begin to show reactions to falling. Before she would have just fallen without even trying to stop herself.
Tuesday: 5 seconds. A little more control and more reaction time.
Today, Wednesday: 10 seconds!! All night I have referred to her as Miss 10 Seconds. She is so proud, so are Przemek and I. It is becoming a good game to her.
I know this doesn't seem like a big deal, but you can't begin to appreciate what it took just to get to the point to get her to try this. It is a miracle anyone walks when you actually break this process down to details like we are right now.
Thanks for checking in. It is encouraging to be so far from home and to know we have the great support. Not to mention being completely blessed to have great friends here too. We are so fortunate!! Jenny and Josie
PS. Liz and Bree- I am trying to upload for your review. Having trouble. Will try again tomorrow. I can't wait for you to see it.
10 seconds is awesome! I am glad you guys are doing so well out there. Tell Josie if she can get to 25 seconds, Uncle Trusty will get her a gift (and if not he still will get her a gift ;). See you in a few weeks. Love and miss you guys!