Were to begin about today? Josie was so excited this morning (as you can see from the pictures) to get all dressed up and go to her first communion. She took the class picture and then we were heading back in the room.
Ciana, Josie and Sophia
Yes, you are seeing this right, we are in the hospital.
I went to fix the strap on her cart while she was talking to Fr. Kevin and she fell out right on her head. It was horrific to be that close to her and not be able to grab her. I quickly picked her up to realize that she was knocked out and non responsive. I yelled for someone to call the paramedics and took her to the bench. Amazingly enough one of the only people standing there was a pediatric surgeon from Childrens Hospital Los Angeles (I thought I knew all of them?! I do now). Dr. Wang immediately started helping Josie and I. He made sure she was stable while we waited for the paramedics. She started to come to after about 4 minutes but obviously dazed. She kept asking me to hold her hand and my mom and I already were. She couldn't feel her arms. Another miracle, Noreen Clark, from Childrens, was also there and was able to get Dr. Mark Urata on the phone. Long story needing to shorten up...the paramedics transported her to the hospital where they very quickly CTScaned her. Everything looked great. At this point, she was totally acting herself and announcing that she had to go home because she was having a party. She got her wish, they discharged her at the start of her party.
We had such a wonderful (now pre communion) party. It was remarkable to have such amazing people in our lives. The neurosurgeon, 2 anesthesiologist, nurse, and plastic surgeon who separated the girls were all there. Also her therapists, friends and family. We are truly blessed by all of you. It turned out to be a special day. It brings to light how fragile life is and to be thankful for every moment we are given.
Luke and Josie
Our dear friends, Pam and Scot Finck. The fincks were the first ones to babysit Josie right after she got out of the hospital. Hey, You guys still available??
Josie and Friends and her wonderful Great Gramps.
The important people in the girls life that separated them and their amazing therapists that treat them. Wow, what a picture. It is for these moments that we are eternally grateful for what these wonderful people do for others. There aren't enough words of gratitude.
Susan and Jen, the girls fabulous PT and OT from Childrens Hospital Los Angeles
Josie and Teresa
Josie and Dr. Mark Urata
She was feeling a bit rough in the head and stomach tonight, but she has been through a lot. I will watch her like a hawk tonight and hopefully she will be great when she wakes up. We were going to try to take her to the 9 am mass for her 1st communion, but I think we won't push it and we an do it when she feels up to it. She was so ready to walk today. I still want that to be very successful for her and with a headache it might be too hard.
Please keep her in your prayers tonight. She needs the strength. Thank you, Jenny and Josie
we are praying for you.....