Banner in Front of the Farms Park
My Swim Chick before the show. She adorable and the braves chick I know...Go, my girl Go!!
Campbelle and Josie...swim buddies for the past 3 years.
Swim Chicks Banner in front of the Farms Park
Eva's little girls group. She had the youngest ones and they were so cute.
Group picture with the coaches
Swim Chicks Team
Her buddies
After the show
Josie's cheer guys are the greatest friends. You come to support Josie even though it had to be 100 degress, 100% humidity, slight rain and in the sun. We love you for it. You make her so happy.
Josie's group getting ready to perform their closing number
Every year the coaches make each girl a paper plate award and hand them out one by one with stories of each girl. This is enjoyed by all.
Waiting for the much anticipated and beloved paper plate awards. Each coach makes them for her girls. They are adorable.
She got her awards
and the award goes to...our "Read, Set, Go girl" since she was always ready to practice and knew what to do and where to be everytime and also the "Lil Miss Sunshine" award for be such a great light to everyone.
So, the best day in Josie's life was here today...her Swim Chicks performance. This is hands down her favorite thing she does in her life. It is such a treat to see her have so much excitement for something that she can do on her own. All the girls had so much fun through the whole process. The coaches are amazing with them and build up their confidence. I wish we could find something like this in California. So I hope you enjoyed the pictures and could witness the joy of this sweet little 9 year old (9 for one more day and 10 tomorrow). She is having a great 2 days. Swim Chicks today and her 10th birthday tomorrow. Thanks for checking in on us. Jenny and Swim Chick, Josie
thats just wrong the picture of the lady holding the black kid