Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Juggling Act

Since we have started school, it has been somewhat of a juggling act. It is finding the perfect balance to make ALL of this work in harmony, or at least work. The reason we are here is to walk. With the time, effort, small window left and money it is what has to be the most important. However, Josie needs to be reading, writing doing math as proficiently as possible. Again, I see why God has us learn things in the time that we are supposed to. Almost impossible to learn 2 MAJOR tasks at the same time. So, it is planning the perfect sleep schedule, the perfect nutrition to stay strong and focused, the perfect amount of homework to do, and still finding time to play and live life. Well it all caught up to us today at therapy. She just didn't have any more concentration left. The fight and determination diminished and she wasn't even into the challenge of it. So time to rework the balance wheel and realign. We will start with cutting back school to Mon, Wed. and Fri. I will have to bring home the work for Tuesdays and Thursdays and work extra hard on the weekends. After a good battle at therapy with her and some tears, which we haven't had since last year we got in the car and headed home. She feel asleep 5 minutes down the road, which she never does. She really was over the top exhausted. She woke up 50 minutes later as we pulled down the street announcing, "The old Josie is back" with a smile on her face. She told me she really wants to work hard with Przemek still but she is so tired sometimes that "my brain hurts." We will put our new plan into play and see if that brings back the excited to walk, competitive, fighting Josie. She still did all her exercises, but with little focus. We just can't afford to have anything get in the way of our mission right now.

After we got home, we did get to go for a nice walk by the lake with the Egers. It was 90 degrees here today with a warm breeze. Perfect weather. We also stopped by to see our cousin, Annie Hull, who is home with her parents, Roger and Jeanie. It was great to see her. Then off to home for dinner and bed. We did sneak a little homework in there just for word reinforcement. I am going to get us ready for tomorrow and then off to bed myself. Thanks for checking on us and will pray for a great day tomorrow. Jenny and Josie

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