Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dad Update

Continuing the "Dad Watch", after he was rushed back to the hospital Friday night, they quickly gave him 2 more pints of blood. His blood level went from an 11 to an 8 in 5 hours...alarmingly fast. They stabilized his extremely low blood pressure and readmitted him to Huntington Hospital. In the morning the GI surgeon took him in for another endoscopy. Luckily this time they were able to find what they think is the problem. It was a ruptured artery in the duodenum. They were able to cauterize the area and hopefully that will solve the problem. They will keep in in the hospital until Tuesday to make sure that everything is all right. It sounds like this may be a slow recovery and as all of you who know my Dad, slow is not always in his vocabulary. We are thankful to Huntington Hospital for doing such a remarkable job, especially their ER. It was hard to be so far away but thanks to Mom for keeping us informed it was easier. We spent the day at home just waiting for everything to work out in CA so I don't have any exciting Josie adventures to report. One thing, is she is walking around the house again with her canes. We need to step up (no pun intended) the frequency of her walking. I got lazy on this and it is my fault she has not been as proficient with it. I have my act back together (Liz can appreciate this!! OK Liz, I am back in action and will get you video this week).

Enjoy the moments of summer. We are fortunate to be here for them. Jenny and Josie

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